Laboratório Integrado de Ciências
Instituto de Estudos Avançados – IEAV. -
• contribute to the dissemination of basic science knowledge, scientific and technological research developed and employed at the IEAV;
• conduct courses using multimedia resources and interactive experiments;
• support visits by students from elementary, high school and undergraduate education to the IEAV;
• prepare educational-scientific content for the dissemination of science experiments;
• participate in public events for scientific disclosure;
• plan and obtain resources from development agencies and other institutions for the dissemination and popularization of aerospace science;
• promoting and supervise Scientific Initiation work aimed at LIC activities.A little bit of history:
LIC's history began in 2003 with the initiative of IEAv researchers and technicians to disseminate science and technology using simple and robust equipment. The simple experiments are interactive and reproduce laws and physical processes. They are built in a way that allows close contact with visitors, young people, or adults, who can interact directly with the experiments. The experiments were acquired through two grants from CNPq. The experiments are presented to the general public with the collaboration of civilians and military, students of scientific initiation, master's, doctorate, and other volunteers. These experiments are carried out and demonstrated in schools, science fairs, and public exhibitions of the Brazilian Air Force. Students and teachers also visit the IEAv, where they have the opportunity to have activities with this equipment. In addition to these simple and robust experiments, we have developed bench experiments and videos for a didactic demonstration of the laws of physics, engineering processes, the history and foundations of the biological sciences.
Participation in Rede de Pesquisa PRO-HYPER is an opportunity to develop experiments to demonstrate hypersonic phenomena to the general public.Demonstration of the Archimedes Lever Chair
Plural school visit to LIC, IEAvActivities carried out in 2019:
• Development of new experiments to demonstrate the laws of thermodynamics with the collaboration of an engineering student awarded with the Scientific Initiation Scholarship PIBIC-CNPq;
• Presentation of experiments at fairs at DCTA, Caçapava, São Paulo and Brasília.Development of interactive experiments:
An Electrical Engineering student at Faculdades Anhanguera has developed a project entitled "Study of the Principles of Calorimetry and Concepts of Energy Conversion Solar in Mechanical Energy," supervised by a researcher of LIC. The project involved the construction of a solar energy collector coupled to a Stirling engine. Low-cost materials were used to adapt a parabolic antenna to a solar heater coupled to a Stirling engine.Parabolic solar collector and Stirling engine
The student was granted with a PIBIC-CNPq scholarship from LIC, and supervised by Dr. Vladimir Scheid. She has had the opportunity to improve their basic physics concepts and has had experience in research activities in the laboratory of the Photonics Division of the IEAv. Videos were produced showing the construction of the equipment and demonstrating the operation of the engine at high speed. The experiments carried out are useful, as educational material, for teaching physics as well as possible application in useful capture of solar energy.
LIC activities at Battalion Ypiranga - Caçapava
As part of the commemorative events of its 100th anniversary of creation, the 12th Battalion of Light Infantry - 12th BIL, Brigade "Fornovo di Taro" in the city of Caçapava-SP held an event open to the general public with several attractions. Among these, the Interactive Science Laboratory (LIC) was represented with a stand dedicated to children and the dissemination of science. LIC took experiments focused on motivation to study and, mainly, on the taste for Science, seeking to encourage, from a young age, curiosity, and questioning in science, creating correlations with objects and processes of modern use such as cell phones, energy generators, or mechanical processes, such as the using of the lever in daily tasks.Dynamo Bike Demonstration
Participation in 3a Amostra do Science Days
The 3rd sample of the Science Days, promoted by the Alpha Lumen college, is inspired by Space Day in Florida, an important event that aims to open opportunities for education and awareness about the importance of science and technology, the aerospace industry and its impact on the economy. This event also seeks to foster entrepreneurship and highlight startups among young people from elementary to university education to encourage initiatives in science and technology. The event had institutional support from the government, adding the Municipality of São José dos Campos and the DCTA and took place at the Pavilhão Gaivotas in the Municipal Park Roberto Burle Marx. Approximately 15 thousand visitors participated in the two days of the event with the presence of 100 public schools from many cities in the region: São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Taubaté, Lorena, Caçapava, Pindamonhangaba, Ubatuba, Igaratá and Itajubá (MG ).
Social inclusion
This year some presentations of experiments had a simultaneous translation in LIBRAS language. Among the various people who attended the course, there was a group of hearing-impaired people, who had, for the first time, contact with this type of knowledge and who were highly motivated and curious, asking questions at the end of the presentation and interacting with the speaker. The event was a rare opportunity for the hearing impaired to have contact with what is most modern in terms of technology, being able to interact and discover the great potentials of our country, as well as how they impact the economy, society, and world politics. It is science and technology making a difference in the world and, more than ever, accessible to audiences previously excluded from this type of knowledge.Course with simultaneous translation into LIBRAS language. Director and volunteers of the IEAV, Mrs. Rose, translator of LIBRAS and young people with hearing impairment
(Brazilian Science Days, Parque da Cidade)Workshop for building and launching paper airplanes carried out as a LIC collaborator, plastic artist Gilberto Vieira
(Brazilian Science Days, Parque da Cidade)
Participation in EEF (Engineering for Future)
The event takes a tour of the historical and current technological paths, from the training stage followed by training in research and contact with the industry and the service sector. This event was attended by students, professors from ITA, public entities, private companies, and institutions from Sistema S, SENAI (truck of the IT entrepreneur). LIC experiments were presented during this event.
Participation in FAB Open Gates events
LIC participated in four other events that were Domingo Aéreo (PAMS-SP) in São Paulo, Science Week in Brasília, Open Gates in DCTA and Science and Technology Week in Brasília. In all of these events, the presentations of the interactive experiments had a strong positive impact on young and adult audiences. Most people did not know the experiments, or else they were amazed at the way they were presented. Some visitors with some scientific knowledge had the opportunity to be stimulated and to discuss with the LIC Team the scientific concepts presented.
(Portões Abertos, DCTA, São José dos Campos)
Varied bench experiments
(Portões Abertos, DCTA, SJC)
Bench experiments
(Portões Abertos, PAMA, São Paulo)
Vacuum experiments
(Portões Abertos, PAMA, São Paulo) -
Experimentos do LIC:
Plasma Ball
Mala maluca (Conservation of Angular Momentum)
Air cone (Principle of support)
Archimedes Lever Chair
Nail Chair (Pressure Demonstration)
Electric arc
Double Cone Paradox (Up the ramp)