Applied Physics and Mathematics (CTE-F)
Research Fields
Academic Staff:
Description: Cold plasma, gas electrical discharge, plasma diagnosis, plasma surface treatment, materials synthesis using plasmas.
Academic Staff: Alvaro José Damião, Antonio Jorge Abdalla, Getulio de Vasconcelos, Milton Sérgio Fernandes de Lima
Description: Dye and gas laser development, Laser material processing, laser isotope separation.
Academic Staff: Angelo Passaro, Inácio Malmonge Martin
Description: Development of mathematical models for problems in science and engineering, computational modeling, computational optimization, parallel/distributed processing, simulation models.
Academic Staff: Cláudio Antonio Federico, Inácio Malmonge Martin, Odair Lélis Gonçalez, Maurício Tizziani Pazianotto
Description: Studies of the ionizing radiation effects on electronic, photonic and electro-optical components, polymers and materials of aerospace interest, as well as on crews. Studies of the incidence of radiation in the low and high atmosphere and in space. Shielding and strategies to reduce or mitigate the effects of ionizing radiation.
Materials Chemistry (CTE-Q)
Research Fields
Academic Staff: André Esteves Nogueira, Deborah Dibbern Brunelli, Elizabete Yoshie Kawachi, Elizabeth da Costa Mattos, Emerson Sarmento Gonçalves, Jorge Carlos Narciso Dutra, Maurício Ribeiro Baldan, Rita de Cassia Lazzarini Dutra, Silvana Navarro Cassu, Thiago Costa Ferreira Gomes
Description: Synthesis of organic, inorganic, composite and hybrid materials and nanomaterials. Physical-chemical, structural and mechanical characterization. Evaluation of materials and nanomaterials in aerospace applications.
Academic Staff: Elizabete Yoshie Kawachi, Emerson Sarmento Gonçalves, Koshun Iha, Maurício Ribeiro Baldan
Description: Conductive polymers, carbon materials, and graphene. Development of electrochemical sensors and devices. Corrosion protection systems in aerospace materials and components.
Academic Staff: Elizabete Yoshie Kawachi, Elizabeth da Costa Mattos, José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco, Koshun Iha
Description: Theoretical study of physical-chemical processes involved in the burning of energetic materials and nanomaterials. Synthesis, formulation, processing, and evaluation of performance in propulsive systems. Biofuels.
Academic Staff: Douglas Henrique Pereira, Francisco Bolivar Correto Machado, José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco, Leonardo Tsuyoshi Ueno, Luiz Fernando de Araújo Ferrão, Thiago Costa Ferreira Gomes
Description: Electronic structure, reactivity, molecular electronic and vibrational-rotational spectroscopies; reaction thermochemistry and kinetics; properties of molecular systems applied to semiconductors and catalysis; molecular dynamics.
Space Propulsion and Hypersonics (CTE-P)
Research Fields
Academic Staff: Angelo Passaro, Dermeval Carinhana Junior, Guilherme Borges Ribeiro, Israel da Silveira Rêgo, Lamartine Nogueira Frutuoso Guimarães, Orlando Roberto Neto, Paulo Gilberto de Paula Toro, Tiago Cavalcanti Rolim, VAléria Serrano Faillace Oliveira Leite
Description: Study of physical and chemical phenomena associated with the fluid flow in hypersonic regimes in dense and rarefied atmospheres and supersonic combustion processes in aspirated air; development of air-breathing hypersonic vehicle concepts for flight in the dense atmosphere; nuclear electric (NEP) and thermal (NTP) propulsion using nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, for application in space; planetary applications of reactors developed for space use; development of technologies for NEP and NTP.
Space Sensors and Actuators (CTE-S)
Research Fields
Academic Staff: Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano
Description: Materials processing, manufacturing processes and characterization of materials and metamaterials for space applications.
Academic Staff: Angelo Passaro, Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano, Gustavo Soares Vieira, Marcos Antonio Ruggieri Franco, Vilson Rosa de Almeida
Description: Research and development of Micro / Nano optical and electromechanical systems; micro / nano manufacturing processes and device characterization. Theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects associated with this class of devices.
Academic Staff: Angelo Passaro, Antonio Carlos da Cunha Migliano, Elcio Hideiti Shiguemori, Gustavo Soares Vieira, João Marcos Salvi Sakamoto, Marcos Antonio Ruggieri Franco, Olympio Lucchini Coutinho, Vilson Rosa de Almeida
Description: Design, development and characterization of devices and systems, such as: optical (fiber, multispectral), magnetic, RF / microwave, terahertz, infrared, among others, for applications in aerospace systems. Theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects associated with this class of devices are discussed.
Space Systems, Testing and Launching (CTE-E)
Research Fields
Academic Staff: Alison de Oliveira Moraes, Carlos d'Andrade Souto, Cayo Prado Fernandes Francisco, Christopher Shneider Cerqueira, Francisco Carlos Parquet Bizarria, Ijar Milagre da Fonseca, Maria Luisa Collucci da Costa Reis, Rogério Pirk
Description: Design, manufacture, assembly and integration of mechanical systems, testing and virtual prototyping of dynamic systems (vibrations and mechanical shocks, acoustic and vibro-acoustic), wind tunnel tests, static tests (hydraulic tests, functional tests, acoustic emission and environmental tests), rocket engine tests, rocket launch missions, microgravity testing.
Academic Staff: Alison de Oliveira Moraes, Francisco Carlos Parquet Bizarria
Description: Specification, design, manufacture, integration, essays and testing of electrical and electronic systems in ground and embedded, applied to launch vehicles and launching platforms.
Academic Staff: Humberto Araujo Machado, Luiz Carlos Pardini, Silvana Navarro Cassu
Description: Researches focused on the development of technological solutions and innovation in materials applicable to the space sector and its spin-offs.
Academic Staff: Alison de Oliveira Moraes, Cayo Prado Fernandes Francisco, Cleber Souza Corrêa
Description: Earth and space climates, atmospheric modeling, numerical weather forecasting, meteorological instrumentation, space environment, monitoring of the atmospheric electric field and physical processes of lightning, atmospheric dispersion of effluent gases, rocket trajectory, launch safety, wind tunnel atmospheric studies, applied aerodynamics, applied computational fluid dynamics.
Academic Staff: Alison de Oliveira Moraes, Carlos Henrique Netto Lahoz, Ijar Milagre da Fonseca, Johnny Cardoso Marques, Rogério Pirk
Description: Systems engineering and project management, integrated product development, "System Theoretical Process Analysis (STPA)", "assembly, integration and testing (A, I & T)".
Academic Staff: Carlos d'Andrade Souto, Humberto Araujo Machado, João Luiz Filgueiras de Azevedo, Roberto Gil Annes da Silva
Description: Vehicle structures, structure dynamics and vibrations of aerospace structures, rotor dynamics, elastic stability and structural stability, structural optimization, aeroelasticity, aerospace applications of acoustics and vibroacoustics.
Academic Staff: Carlos Henrique Netto Lahoz
Description: Conceptualization of embedded system and software, the structure of a microprocessor system, integrated programming environments.
Academic Staff: Cayo Prado Fernandes Francisco, Humberto Araujo Machado, João Luiz Filgueiras de Azevedo, Maria Luisa Collucci da Costa Reis, Roberto Gil Annes da Silva
Description: This line of research brings together work on various aspects of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics with aerospace applications, including research and development efforts in experimental aerodynamics, flow diagnostics and instrumentation methods for wind tunnel testing, the reliability of measuring processes, aerodynamics, computational aerodynamics, non-stationary aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
Academic Staff: Carlos Henrique Netto Lahoz, Johnny Cardoso Marques
Description: Methodologies related to reliability, criticality analysis of technologies, certification of products of the space area.
Technology Management (CTE-G)
Research Fields
Academic Staff: Francisco Cristóvão Lourenço de Melo, Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain, Ligia Maria Soto Urbina, Nissia Carvalho Rosa Bergiante, Moacyr Machado Cardoso Júnior, Guilherme Conceição Rocha
Description: Conception, development, and characterization of Quantitative Decision Support Methods for complex Aerospace Systems. It includes the areas of Decision Theory and Operations Research (Soft and Hard), in the theoretical, numerical, and experimental aspects of these tools, with emphasis on problems in the Aerospace sector.
Academic Staff: Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain, Fernando Teixeira Mendes Abrahão, Henrique Costa Marques, Ligia Maria Soto Urbina, Nissia Carvalho Rosa Bergiante
Description: Conception, development, and characterization of logistical support models for the development, acquisition, manufacturing, implementation, operation, modernization, and disposal of complex aerospace systems.
Academic Staff: Francisco Cristóvão Lourenço de Melo, Juliana Mariano Alves, Ligia Soto Urbina, Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain, Nissia Carvalho Rosa Bergiante, Moacyr Machado Cardoso Júnior, Guilherme Conceição Rocha
Description: Conception, development, and characterization of methodologies for engineering and technology management problems related to complex aerospace systems.
Academic Staff: Fernando Teixeira Mendes Abrahão, Henrique Costa Marques, Luis Eduardo Vergueiro Loures da Costa, Moacyr Machado Cardoso Júnior, Guilherme Conceição Rocha
Description: Conception, development, and characterization of complex aerospace systems using systems engineering tools.